
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Cocaine flows in Thames

The Australian: Cocaine flows in Thames :

"The newspaper's figure suggests up to 250,000 of London's 6million residents regularly take cocaine.

Their investigation found that, after cocaine had passed through users' bodies and sewage treatment plants, about 2kg -- or 80,000 lines -- of the drug went into the river daily."

Lovely! Something to really aim for, heh? Not only is cocaine highly addictive, it's now flwoing in the rivers for all to share. And they think smokers are a problem. Apparently, the River Po in Italy is doing well too. Is it me, or has the world seriously lost it. Why do people need cocaine? It does, however, back up a rumour I heard last year that some London firms were recruiting Australians because their employees were suffering from addiction problems. One way to keep your country right up there, I guess.

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