
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser

I still haven't worked out how you can take a co operative, homogenous group and within a couple of days turn them into adversaries and complainers. Are these people really like this? If nothing else they are learning to live in their own skins, to express themselves and to come to terms with the fact that fat is only a part of the problem. The trainers, Bob and Jillian are amazing. They have first class people skills, excellent problem solving skills and are really hands on. When they woke their teams up at some ungodly hour it was all friendly, touching stuff. Messages to say, you may be fat, but you are human and you have real value. I thought that was so important. The challenge was also interesting. The blue team all held back and didn't approach the platters even though 4 of them had nice things. To them it was a defining moment as a team. The red team had 3 go forward and then put pressure on Kristie and eventually Ruth. I saw the pressure on Kristie as very negative. She no longer had a right to be an individual. But, overall, I thought the red team showed themselves more prepared to take a risk. It wasn't life threatening. It wasn't irresponisble. 4 of the platters had really good prizes. So they put themselves out there and took a risk. Adro was so embarrassed to have to eat a hamburger. He felt so bad. Jo had the cake and enjoyed every moment of it and it really didn't matter whether she did or whether she pretended she did. Psychologically no one had it over her. She had a really healthy attitude. If your life is going to fall apart because you eat a piece of cake or a hamburger then you need to take yourself back to the drawing board. And dear Wal. We saw the chinks in his armour tonight and each one of these people has a real story to tell and it's the story about why they are hiding behind all that fat. The trainers are really getting through to them very quickly and so I guess I am learning that the right person with the right skills can help turn your life around. Can't wait to see them climb Sydney Harbour Bridge...rather them than me. Just being there is a massive achievement!

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