
Monday, February 13, 2006

The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser
I can't say that I am one for reality shows, but I made up my mind I would watch this one and get in their for the fat people. As an ex fattie from way, way back, I know the pain, the blackness and the overwhelming feelings of inadequacy no matter what public image you can exude. I wasn't disappointed. I have nothing but compassion and admiration for these people and it's good to see a show that is helping people to do something positive with their lives. A show which takes the tough stuff in life and turns it into something good is valuable. I missed the American version which was on a while back because the timing was all wrong. The Aussies have spirit, they have laid themselves bare, they have formed a cameraderie based on care and I cannot help but feel this show will do a lot of good. It is all very well saying, telling and targetting. In the end, you have to challenge people but give them some care, respect and consideration if you want them to change for the better. Bullying doesn't work. The group dynamics look good and Wal is trying to be Dad. I just hope those who are evicted have some strong support outside of the show because this is potentially extremely damaging if they are just left to themselves. I am so looking forward to seeing these people turn themselves around because their self esteem is just about rock bottom. It can only get better! It was interesting how that massive feast turned into a real turn off and aversion therapy. I was astounded by that.

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