War in Iraq may not have been worth it, admits British diplomat - World:
"Sir Jeremy was asked if, given the unrest in Iraq, the war was 'worth it'. 'I don't think we can tell yet,' he replied. 'I think it is probably up to each person in his own mind to make that decision.'"
What about all the Iraqis who have died? All their children who have had bombs carpeting their heads? All the soldiers who have died? All the destruction of their textiles, their culture, their heritage? The pollution of their lands? The endless problems we have given them which they did not have before? They would have followed their own path to freedom as we did. I don't think we have offered them anything that was worth this much death and destruction. As the article says, we have given them violence...but we have given it to our own people as well. Far too many innocents have died and far too many soldiers have been sacrificed. If we are still talking about it, obviously we don't thinkenough people have died. It is awful how we just let people die there day after day after day. Saddam Hussein is still alive and we have allowed members of his team to seek refuge here. What about the other Iraqis who were trying to get away from him and his government? We have left them there to suffer endless violence. Nothing in life is fair, but this seems to be very irrational thinking on our part , no matter how well intentioned we meant it to be. You don't solve violence with violence and I think we have proved that. Plan B. We need to go to plan B.
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