
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Over-70s women not over sex: survey

Over-70s women not over sex: survey - :

"'It surprises me that so many women express this positive interest.'"

Why is this surprising? We have burnt our bras, had Germaine Greer, liberation, emancipation, equality, equity ... and still it surprises people that women like sex. The best bit of this article is that they think older women are more sexually active than younger women...because younger women have mortgages and families. This peristence in stereotyping surprises me in this day and age. Look at the facts. Younger women are more caught up in this media profiling than older women. Younger women have to be the body beautiful, the babe, the handbag...and become the older woman who doesn't like or have sex!! And the myth about men is just as damaging to men and just as misleading.

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