
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Katrina survivors unleash own fury

Katrina survivors unleash own fury :

"'We slept next to dead bodies. We slept on streets … next to human faeces and urine,' she said. 'The way we were treated by police was demoralising and inhuman. They made everybody lie on the ground with their hands on their heads, even babies.'"

They are at least looking into the situation in New Orleans and it's coming out warts and all...but we saw it all. We saw how it looked. This is a lady who is telling how it felt. She has to live with it and it's a crying shame. In a perfect world , we'd all be perfect and get it right, but it seems some people suffer more than others. The hearing has occurred partly as a result of a push by Cynthia McKinney, a Democrat congress woman, to enable the voices of the African American people to be heard. They need to be. It is their country and their homes which were destroyed. It didn't say what else prompted the hearing. Common sense?! This should never have happened but it did and everyone needs to have that cleared up because it was a complete muddle and people suffered unduly. One of the New Orleans residents claimed the levees had been deliberately bombed. Bombed??? Congressman Shays said he did not believe her. Why would someone who went through something like that make it up? If she believed them to be deliberately bombed why didn't he ask he why she thought that? What set of events made her have that belief because that is what is important. Then what investigations have occurred to explain bomb sounds to people who were there at the time? She will think what she knows, like the rest of us. When we hear something we think...ah yes, it's blah blah.Like the old guy in Queensland whose house roof was struck by lightning. He thought it was terrorists. He thought they had come to get him.The nmedia people were brilliant because they just let him talk it out and they listened and put him on the news and took it all seriously and in the process he resolved his fears, trauma and initial reactions. These are terrified people. Easy does it. Easy, easy, nice and easy. To be told you are lying doesn't change what you think and seems a very odd approach. Better to find out what makes people think something. The feelings coming out from this hearing are very strong and so the people must feel very alone and abandoned. If you feel secure you deal with things better. It's better out than in, though, that's for sure. We never foget the katrina people. Every week we wonder how they are doing and whether it is being sorted out. Our wish is to see them happily back in homes that suit them.

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