
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Aust leaves US in the cold at climate talks.

Aust leaves US in the cold at climate talks. :

"'The reality is that we can only make meaningful global greenhouse gas reductions if effective action is taken by all the major emitting countries,' Environment Minister Ian Campbell said."

No one is being left in the cold because the conference in Canada is about global warming and strategies we can adopt to deal with it. It's a team game and a team effort because more and more information is being documented about the effects of greenhouse gases and their impact on our planet. We all have to agree to deal with this responsibly because the evidence coming forward is significant and not been hastily cobbled together. As a planet we have to take action together to rectify the damage being cause by "civilisation." It would be uncivilised to avoid treating the symptoms which are coming thick and fast. It would probably also hearten scientists, climate scientists and bio diversity experts to have their research and information considered in a serious way and that we would take their hours of research into account as we plan our alternative strategies for a better world. When we are causing damage and we know about it, it seems silly and ignorant to ignore it. The hows and whens can be further discussed as we go along. It appears the conference is establishing the broad frameworks for our future direction and that is pretty helpful stuff.

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