Drunk patients cost hospitals millions.
"'It's no different for other hospitals anywhere - alcohol is a major drain of resources, a major drain on people's happiness.'"
Tell me about it. I shall never forget the night when my daughter was a baby adn we sat up in the e,ergency section from 11pm until 4.30 am to get help. The doctor had sent me there thinking I would get superior treatment for her. Nothing has changed. The drunks have to take precedence because they are aggressive and need to me moved through the procedures quickly to avoid any further threats or disturbances to others; because they have to have the blood tests the police need to charge them or because they have been injured badly through their drunken behaviour and so require immediate attention. Normal sober folk and babies just don't rate on that scale. I thought at the time and I still think so now, we need a separate unit to treat alcohol and chemically affected people so that non enhanced people can get a better chance of reasonable service. I ended up having to have the day off work because I had had no sleep. It's a crazy world that treats self inflicted wounds or self imposed emergency or unlawfulness first, but you understand how it happens. The drunkeness then goes home or out into the community to wreak further havoc. It really is a costly form of behaviour in terms of community time , energy and well being.
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