
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Uproar over Idol decision

Uproar over Idol decision :

"QUEENSLAND Premier Peter Beattie has demanded the producers of Australian Idol reinstate a Brisbane-based performer whose fans say was a victim of daylight robbery.
Dan England, 21, was booted off the Ten Network's TV talent competition this week in controversy after the introduction of daylight saving meant voting lines closed an hour earlier in Queensland."

I do not watch Idol, not since the first series. But Dan was on Rove last night and there was considerable talk today about how everyone thought he had some real talent and it seemed rather odd he had had to leave the show now. I got the impression people who watch it thought that he would go the distance. Makes sense if the phones closed earlier in Queensland that he might have lost votes in that last hour because some people would ring late in the piece after they got home and had dinner. I have no vested interest, but I hope Dan is given a fair go or people can explain how it was fair.

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