
Thursday, November 24, 2005

More kids smoking pot than cigs

The Australian: More kids smoking pot than cigs :

"The Australian Institute for Health and Welfare report found 4.3 per cent of 12- to 15-year-olds had smoked cigarettes in 2004, but 7 per cent tried illicit drugs and 5.2 per cent had used cannabis.

While it found 180,000 fewer Australians used cannabis last year compared with the previous year, use of illegal drugs was still common among older teens, with 20 per cent of 16- and 17-year-olds and 30 per cent of 18- and 19-year-olds trying marijuana, speed or heroin."

Go anywhere and most Australians are not smoking and the Australian community is remarkably intolerant of smokers. However, there is considerable indulgence with regard to drug taking. Nobody says anything, nobody does anything and there are no media bans on it as with smoking. Any media outlets can talk and wrte about drug taking as much as they like. You can't smoke on tele but it's okay to be chemically enhanced and video clips certainly are not required to take drugs and drug references out as with smoking. Really rather odd, don't you think? So if the young ones think it's okay, what have we done to show them it's not? For heaven's sake don't let them light up a cigarette, though. We have all sorts of ways of avoiding smokers but we have no protection from drug takers and drug taking.

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