
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Hand-cranked laptop

Hand-cranked laptop launched for schoolkids. :

"About the size of a textbook, the lime-green machines can set up their own wireless networks and operate in areas without a reliable electricity supply, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers said at a United Nations technology summit."

This is what I like to see - the world coming up with something innovative, fun, useful, critical and positive which will enable everyone to participate in similar activities and experiences. No reason for people to go without simply from an accident of birth place. When the world applies itself to community projects it always comes up trumps. Hand cranked laptops look cool, they run at half the normal processing speed, can be used in areas without electricity and use open source operating systems. It is not in production yet and should cost about 150 dollars. They can be used in developing countries but are also a way of managing our own energy resources, I should have thought. Brilliant idea!!

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