
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Man charged with child porn offences

Man charged with child porn offences : "Police confiscated a camera and charged him with possession of child pornography, filming for indecent purpose and two counts of resisting arrest."

I assume someone tipped off the police and that is great. That the police acted promptly, caught him and got hold of yet another child pornographer is even better. These are our children, our grandchildren, our nieces and nephews, and we have to just face up to it all no matter how disturbing . It's no use being weak kneed and wimpy, we have just got to take action and it would appear that is what we are doing right across the world. We linked up internationally to chase a child pornographer to ground, the French police are having a serious targeting of child pornographers, the Germans are, the British appear to be...and we have been on their case for a while. It's about not standing by. It's about acting and getting on their case. I blogged before that it appears to happen often enough for it to be a thing that people do. We don't know why they do it. We need to stop them, catch them, work on them to find out what it at the bottom of it, because it has gone on for years, centuries and it's time to stop. It really is time to let little kids be little.

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