
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Councils to blame for Adelaide floods

Councils to blame for Adelaide floods, Minister says. :

"The Government's plan involves setting up a single management entity to coordinate about $100 million in stormwater infrastructure.

Forty-three millimetres of rain fell in Adelaide overnight, eclipsing the November average of 29.6."

The difficulty is planning for every contingency these days. We appear to have lost patterns in our world. It is chaos as usual. The reason we have floods in Adelaide right now is a result of the rain. Rain, rain and more rain and then people angry because the rain cannot run off anywhere except into their homes. Concrete, pavers, lack of trees and bushland mean the rain runs down bitumen and pavers. Water goes from higher spots to lower spots. So it's the weather's fault we have flooding but we are very poor at planning for excess. Our drains are often clogged or inadequate. Run off from houses goes straight onto driveways...there are no drains for the down pipes here. If we plan for excess water we are bound to get excess to a certain extent we shall always be wrong. Better to adopt the stance of when people start discussing and raising problems, then those in charge need to react. We have created dependant economies. Our leaders may ignore our welfare because we are not a community. We are an administrative unit. Look at the people issues, the strategic planning will come as a result of building better communities and the State Government storm water investment plan is part of getting us to look at excess water strategies. November is normally warm and dry and we do not usually have rain going all day and all night. The world has gone mad. We can go mad with it or steady ourselves and think pragmatically.

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