
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Senator dismisses fears over NT nuclear dump.

Senator dismisses fears over NT nuclear dump. :

"'People are still peddling to a fairly naive community, complete evil misinformation to make people so afraid - anybody that suggests that this is at all dangerous to anything it is entirely wrong,' he said."

Dismissing is tantamount to discounting. Discounting generally means it's your point of view and that's all. The aboriginal people are the custodians of this land whether anyone approves or not because they were put here long before anyone else, are the oldest inhabitants of our planet and therefore have a far greater understanding of anything with regard to our environment than any of us. If nothing else you pay them the utmost respect for their ancestry and experiences and to dismiss such knowledge is something I do not understand. Tribal people know the land. They have wisdom which far exceeds ours because they have not been brought up with plastic wrapped chooks, weedkiller and flouridation...and various methods of totally diverting ourselves from anything natural. Anything the tribal people have to say will have a basis in common sense, community and expert wisdom from their centuries of inhabiting our land. Listening to such great knowledge would be a fine thing. I cannot believe they are being treated in this manner.

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