
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Boy nets donor father online

The Australian: Boy nets donor father online :

"LONDON: A teenager has tracked down his anonymous sperm donor father using nothing more than a swab of saliva and the internet. Experts warned the case has major implications for men who made sperm donations hoping to keep their identity secret."

It is fortunate the boy was blessed with brains as part of his genetic heritage or he wuld never have found his real father. I believe people need to know who their parents are, that it is their right and that whether their parents are good, bad, or in this case "donors" then the human life created has a right to know its heritage. We are as much our culture and genetic heritage as we are us. This young boy has proven my point and I thank him for being so darn human and going after his heritage. Children have a right to know whether or not they are going to be "parented" by the biological parent or not. Children want their parents even if it is just to look them over. It is part of their puzzle and peace of mind. I love this boy for going up against the odds and showing where there is a will there is a way. People are part of a society...they are NOT part of an economy. He may well become that, but he shows he is a person who has human connections.

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