
Monday, September 19, 2005

Crime cam

The Advertiser: Real-time crime cam:

"The video link system - which uses either a fixed or a portable camera - has already proved useful in several major incidents."

We have got the technology, why not use it? If it is used to help us and help resolve matters we are not able to resolve, then all well and good. There are times when a crime cam would be a safer option for police and times when they could use it to get the back up they need when they cannot physically access the back up. It might also have some good uses in remote areas. I don't see it as Big Brother, but it could well be the beginning of it if it is used as an intimidation tactic rather than an crime spotter. There are elements in protests which can be disturbing when the protest itself was basically just a protest. The one at the G8 summit became suddenly totally out of hand with men in masks with vicious weapons when until that point it hd just been a protest. If violent elements are identified, then so much the better. Sometimes a protest gets rid of the dissatisfaction or makes a point. If it is non violent, there ought not be a problem. If the cime cam is used to gag us, then that is a different issue. In SA, I largely feel it would be of great help to the police and supported by the bulk of the population. People just need to know how it works, what it's about and then how it can be of assistance. Once we understand, SA generally co operates well with new things brought in to help solve community issues. I want a spray which dissolves abandoned cars. It is reaching epidemic proportions . Why this year do they all decide to break down, or be used for get aways or just left unattended for days? They are a traffic hazard and nuisance. Maybe all cars should have a spy cam so you can identify the last driver!! I don't believe I said that.

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