
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

US Air Force's teleportation study

Boing Boing: US Air Force's teleportation study:

"Now at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas, Davis reached both pessimistic and optimistic conclusions in his study. On one hand, he concluded that 'Star Trek'-style teleportation faces enormous obstacles, partly because it would require the development of extraordinarily high-speed computers and would consume mind-boggling amounts of energy. Also, it would encounter all kinds of physics headaches generated by the principles of quantum physics..."

I was talking the other night about alternatives to the petrol consumption in our society and wondered if we had worked out teleporting yet. As the Boing-Boing site explains, the US airforce has been working on it but we don't yet have the technology to enable it. Bugga! The Chinese have been doing studies with mindpower and can get extraordinarily gifted children to teleport matter through solid walls. What about extra ordinarily gifted adults? If I start today, will I be able to get that cup of tea into he lounge at least and maybe by next year go on short jaunts to the beach? Some scientists seem to think it won't happen except in our dreams and the strength will be in conning others into thinking we can do it!!?? No, I actually want to do it. Not pretend I can. I have no need to con. I want to save money on petrol and have fun at the same time. All work , no play and high oil prices are just so deadly dull, people. Brain numbing. So is anyone going to come up with some clever transport alternative in my lifetime, wormholes, vortexes, time warps , negative inversion realities are not what I had in mind. Just scooting through space. Or what about little glitzy shoes with wings or some rocket like contraption? Come on, you can do it. You know you want to.

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