
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Protests mark tunnel opening

The Australian: Protests mark tunnel opening :

"'What I suspect will happen is that it will cause chaos in east Sydney,' he said.

'What the Government should be doing is investing serious money in public transport to give people alternatives to cars.'"

Sydney has 2.1 metres of new road tunnel and the Sydney siders don't seem to be very happy.We have had quite a bit of it reported here and it seemed like people were being forced to use the tunnel and then pay what seemed to be an exorbitant toll. There were some rivers saying their usual routes were cut off and blocked and then they had to use the tunnel and pay the fee. Others have been dismayed with the safety issues relating to the tunnel. There were some accidents whilst building the tunnel and apparently it cannot recycle fresh air properly at peak times so the outlets from the tunnels into the surrounding areas will be putting out some exremely polluted air. They are not happy! For this state of affairs to be happening one can only assume there was little consultation and too much hurrying to complete it. Maybe not, but it is certainly getting a lot of attention now and people want the whole public transport issue in Sydney looked into. That is a must because Sydney people were really dismayed with public transport options when I was travelling around. It used to have fantastic public transport. Mind you, we have had a revamp of our public transport with more buses and new timetables. Last week, its first week, was chaos. People didn't know the times. Two buses of the same number were turning up at the same time. Bus drivers were oblivious to the new times. Buses had the wrong numbers on them. Implementation dip? I should say so. It can only get better!!

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