
Sunday, July 17, 2005

Who runs the internet?

News in Science - Who runs the internet? UN can't decide:

"'You must recognise that the internet was set up largely by academicians for limited use, but has grown beyond anyone's wildest expectations, with nearly one billion users today,' says Markus Kummer, the working group's executive coordinator."

Does it need to be run? Is it running okay? Who's not happy, why? It appears to be restructured in some way shape or form about every 6 months and if you don't like it , you find a way of broadcasting your displeasure and changes occur. I participated in a European gigantic professional survey for women about the Internet and its use. It was really interesting. That was a while back. The general approach was sound. It was a big survey , followed by open ended feed back, followed by a survey and then there were forums. Why not start a feed back site to get some idea of the issues with a section for "vested interest" submissions? The internet is dynamic. Managing it might kill one of the most flexible inventions of our age, but looking at the dissatisfactions which are there is a good thing. Why not blog and get the feed back through comments? Getting people on the Net needs to be a priority and getting them the power points to plug in their computers is the first step! Not all places have access to electricity . They can't even get drinkable water. In that sense the physical comfort issues need to be taken care of first and then the access issues.

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