
Sunday, July 17, 2005

Malaria research

The World Today - Scientists to trial new approach to battling malaria:

"SIMON FOOTE: The problem with magic bullets, and the problem with targeting the parasite is that the parasite becomes resistant to it. So most of the drugs that we use nowadays are no longer of any use because the parasites develop ways to get around them. And that's because you're actually targeting the parasite itself."

I heard about this on the radio today and it was to me, the perfect way for globalisation to work. The research is based in Tasmanis but New Guinea is also part of the research and Professor Foote, the Menzies Research Director has been awarded funds from the US Howard Hughes Institute to carry out the research. It is not based on creating a vaccine but studying why some people are immune to the disease and looking at that as an approach.

Australia has a good track record in Parasitology

so the chances are we will come up with something useful for the rest of the human race. Co operating globally to support local expertise to resolve global issues seems a very sane approach.

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