
Sunday, July 31, 2005

Space walk

Astronauts finish 7-hour spacewalk. :

"Two astronauts have completed a seven-hour spacewalk to restore a critical steering device on the International Space Station (ISS) and test their ability to carry out repairs to a shuttle's heat shield."

Not only have they docked, they've been out for a 7 hour space walk and have repaired things and done some test respairs to help futire shuttle flights. The J learning curve is up and running. This is so unbelieveable. They have flown into space, met with others out there in a space station and been off doing space. I find it just mindboggling stupendous we can do things like that. They are even going to stay another day and go for another walk to repair another gyroscope. What happens to the gyroscopes? Staying over with the rellies for another night and like it's so normal! Well done, team. Great stuff.

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