
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Reading incentives

The Advertiser: Council to reward lovers of libraries :

"While the program is still in its infancy, the council will soon introduce rewards for users who meet certain criteria.

These will include book vouchers, movie passes, relaxed borrowing terms, first news on 'new releases' and priority choice to items."

We actually haven't abandoned reading in Adelaide. Wherever you go, coffee shop, train, bus, park, airport, there they are...the readers and we are very enthusiastic about sharing our reading successes. Books do very well here as do magazines with reading of substance. Programmes like this one from the Charles Sturt Council library are one of the reasons. Readers get a lot of encouragement. But it's also the sort of thing you bring back from a holiday..the recommendation of a new book or two. It's just a thing here. When you get off the plane one of the first things you do is share your latest overseas or interstate find. Harry Potter obviously walks out of the bookstores, but we also have places for rare books and an interest in those and then the popular fiction. I even found myself craning in the coffee shop trying to see what new book some young lad had bought and was showing his mum. I kicked myself for not bringing my glasses and even thought of walking up and asking. We do that. It isn't unusual for someone to ask you what you are reading and then you can enthuse ( or not) over the latest find. Parents are great at taking their kids to the libraries too and so this library has done what other libraires do : found a way to keep the younger ones enthusiastic.

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