
Saturday, July 23, 2005

The man who wants to give away his house

The Advertiser: The man who wants to give away his house :

"'If I help someone, God will help me,' he said.

A spokesman in the transportable home building industry said: 'Given the period of time (between now and when Mr Sanguinetti bought the house), if he looked after it, he would have a good chance of getting a reasonable amount back'. However he warned those interested in the house to consider the bigger picture."

This is a truly kind gesture but I believe it's the costs of transporting the home - about 10, 000 dollars and having a block to put it on that mean his heartfelt gift cannot be accepted. Some councils are very strick about transportables and will no longer have them. I can remember a big hoo-ha down south when someone wanted to bring in a second hand red cedar home and they are truly beautiful ( I happen to like those log cabin type homes). If you had a council which accepted transportables and you had a block, it's a pretty easy way to get your first, affordable home and some transportables and log cabins become very valuable in the right place with the right touch. I hope someone can take advantage of Mr. Sanguinetti's genuine, community offer.

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