
Monday, July 18, 2005

Aceh peace won't come quickly

Aceh peace won't come quickly, expert warns. :

"An Indonesia expert says it will take some months after the introduction of the Aceh peace treaty for conflict in the province to start winding down."

The Indonesians have had the courage to sit in Helsinki, away from it all , on neutral ground, and make a real and genuine attempt to solve some long standing, debilititating problems for their nation. Some people are people of their word and having given it, their behaviour changes forever. Some people have to get the hang of new ways of doing things and it takes a bit of practice to get the new paths worn into their social behaviour. In any case, the Indonesians have made a real effort to sort this problem out and we need to support and encourage them. They will know what they can and can't do. Many nations can look back into their own histories and find examples of long standing, destructive faction fighting which has been overcome and forgotten in their recent history. The 30 years war eventually had an end in England. I think it is fantastic they have taken a 2005 way to deal with their problems.

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