
Monday, June 13, 2005

Republicans urge shift in Iraq plan

The Australian: Republicans urge shift in Iraq plan :

"A REPUBLICAN congressman has called for a deadline to pull US troops from Iraq, while some other members of President George W. Bush's party have urged that his administration come to grips with a persistent insurgency and revamp Iraq policy."

I am truly grateful to the blogosphere that I can get a different perspective on America and Americans because , otherwise, I'd be lost. I really don't get it. I have been, and currently am, a member of all sorts of online communities based in America. My experience with all of them has been very positive and good. I used to like Hotmail and the things associated with it but then the wheels fell off when I had to search through the ick to find my real mail in their blocked mail bin. So I swapped to Yahoo mail. That was great and still is. Has got two mails wrong in a year and has made some good changes to the service and been helpful with my queries. Bloglines goes out of its way to make you feel a member of their group, can't be helpful enough when you are stuck and is very efficient when things go wrong. Their capacity to include you as a member of their group is excellent. Blogshares breeds a lot of goodwill, baffles me at times, but is clearly a community which works in a very positive way for the benefit of its members. It's a highly satisfying , fun, virtual "game" for some with a lot of positive challenges and skills sharing for those who belong. Google is the same. People like Google and Google explains itself clearly and well if you belong to any of its Google spin offs like adsense. There are many of these very positive, vibrant ,beneficial, go ahead, feel good communities where the community makes you feel so much better and gives you some good help and support along the way. How could I not mention Firefox and Blogger? All these communities grow, share and boost the common aim and the knowledge of individuals within the group. So my observation from the blogosphere is that Americans are extremely good at building positive, successful communities which welcome and include newbies and get them up and running in a non invasive, non threatening manner. And it's not that other international communities can't do that, but at the moment I am talking about Americans. So their government, to me, seems so very different in its MO from Americans.It's government seems to operate in a manner which alienates people and gets their back up, so yes, I think something needs to be done about Iraq because it would appear the American presence is just making it worse for the Iraqis whether the American government intends that or not. I mean, the American military had offered to train Iraqi people to do their own guarding and security and then Iraqis apparently turned down the offer for fear they would be seen as colluding with the Americans. This is the sort of sticky, untenable mess that now exists. I read somewhere that maybe Iraq might respond better to a UN presence and help. I think at this point it time I can only say what I have said before and that is - talk. Get everyone and keep talking. What is the best thing to do? It's a mess. Too many people are dying. Too many troops will need too much debriefing and support from coming out of it and too many Iraqis are in pain. This needs a strategic plan to move it forward into stability and it's not going to come from blowing everybody and everything up. Put down the guns and talk. Go ahead..revamp.

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