
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Glog Blog

The Glog Blog came to visit me the other day. It is the local information portal to Bangalore. The opening page is rich with information but it is quite navigable. Last week we had a radio programme about Bangalore and it was saying how the city is booming but how the infrastructure hadn't caught up with the speed with which people needed to navigate their city. Apparently traffic congestion has become a headache and simply transversing the city has become a difficult task. The people in Bangalore, whom they spoke to, seemed to be eternally patient and ever willing to try and come to terms with the changes and what needed to occur. It sounded like it couldn't happen fast enough...but it's bad enough in Adelaide when you get changes to the layout or services even though the outcome might be better. I cannot imagine the impact of changes to the routine running of a huge city other than there would be constant noise , disruption and a need for complete flexibility. Apart from transport the programme didn't really mention what else might help. Glog Blog is very busy, but well organised and I guess it reflects how Bangalore will become a little further down the track. The IT industry is creating the boom. I suppose it's no different from the industrial revolution bringing massive change and rebuilding of cities related to mining and mills .

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