
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Healthy eating - United States Department of Agriculture - Home:

"One size doesn't fit all. MyPyramid Plan can help you choose the foods and amounts that are right for you. For a quick estimate of what and how much you need to eat, enter your age, sex, and activity level in the MyPyramid Plan box."

Ever since I watched the Jamie Oliver programme on eating in schools I have been very conscious of eating properly. It was an interesting experience being in a culture where the access to fast food was practically non existent. The people were healthy and well fed and were eating a very basic diet. I learned things like coleus leaves can supply iron and some fern leaves were very good for cleansing the blood. They cleaned their teeth by peeling green coconuts with their teeth and chewing on the fibres. It was very noticeable how stunning their smiles were. Mind you, I am happy to stay with the tooth brush and toothpaste. Not so easy to carry green coconuts around and they don't fit in my bathroom cabinet. I keep thinking of those doctors and school personnel who were interviewed on the Jamie Oliver programme saying that the children were better behaved and didn't need their asthma puffers and weren't suffering from impacted feces when they started eating properly. I also noticed while I was away my skin was so much healthier, my hair became shiny and my nails got stronger...and I wasn't even in that environment eating that food for that long. Just goes to show. This site is brilliant. It is incredibly comprehensive and easy to use and is very encouraging. Go for it!

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