
Saturday, February 19, 2005

Bush orders Syrians out of Lebanon

Bush orders Syrians out of Lebanon - World -

Rafik Hariri's name can be added to an ever growing list of world leaders who are now dead. World leaders are currently dropping like flies and people even had their eyes on the Pope. When you put an 84 year old frail Pope in a window in a draft with birds flying around him, you would expect him to catch a chill. When he does catch said chill people are circling like buzzards waiting for the carrion. He is not going to be a sprightly Pope at his age. I can't stand how we hurry everyone off the planet like it's okay. It's not. As for the demise of all these other world leaders..., well, they are all in an invidious position. So how come some leaders are okay and some aren't? Someone needs to look at how they can stay well and alive because their life expectancy has taken a nose dive these last few months. As for the free and fair elections...excuse me while I laugh. No one gets those these days. Some of us don't even know why. I know one person who voted for Howard and he was on the radio. I still haven't found another. One of the great mysteries of democracy.

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