
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A Question of Balance

I have just spent the last 2 years working on a plan to stop the seamless integration between work and home. At last I can differentiate between my world of work and my home life. Wasn't easy given I was going against the flow. Work is not life and vice versa. I now have a plan to stop this inordinate amount of time I spend sitting on my backside in the name of lifestyle and productivity. Tomorrow I start my two day Senior First Aid certificate. I have done the CPR stuff before and have been glad of it, but this time I decided to do things properly and learn a decent amount of knowledge which would involve me more actively and therefore make me more useful. That's the plan anyway. I am not a sitter by nature so I find it hard to accept interminable amounts of meetings and constant sitting to absorb information. We may well be in an information rich era, but not a lot of it is true knowledge. Knowledge is adaptive and dynamic. Information just seems to clog and slow down action.

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