
Thursday, October 07, 2004


We are all sitting here waiting for the election on Saturday. Some don't trust Mark Latham to run the country and see John Howard as more reliable???!!! So much has been said about Blair's , Bush's and Howard's capacity to misrepresent, twist, turn,mislead, I need say no more. I had also read there are a lot of political blogs and this has been a subject of discussion. Why, is beyond me. We have been treated in such a despicable fashion these last few years and it built up quite suddenly and we all realised the world was not as we thought and leaders were not as we thought and we had no idea what to think and still don't in certain respects. We do know we want honesty . We want our leaders to lead us not to create misery and confusion and this state whereby we are constantly clueless and looking out for ourselves all the time. We want respect, consideration..and judging from the blogs, it's like the turning of the Millennium...we want to reach out and touch each other. Corny as it sounds, we do actually want to get to know each other. I have just had an email from a guy in the Mauritius because I registered his programme. I had sent a little friendly note from the land down under. Well, he responded in kind. That's how the blogs are. The people of planet earth want to be friends, want to try and understand and our leaders keep taking us down a very destructive, money dominated track. People are everything. Money's nice too, don't get me wrong. But priorities, people!! Big houses and fancy cars and bucket loads of money are no good when you spend your whole time not knowing who to trust and feel like you are perpetually under seige and you live with the haves and the have nots. The privileged and the non privileged.We just wanna have fun!

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