
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Wiggles for the win!


Where would parents and grandparents be without The Wiggles? In Australia they are part of life for most children growing up. They entertain, educate and make children want to move, laugh , sing and know. Children find them fascinating and they concentrate on The Wiggles like nothing else. Why? Wiggles magic. They have this winning way of connecting with little ones and making them happy. We all know The Wiggles songs. Thank heavens for technology, connectivity and Wiggles magic, though. Today we had a story of a little girl, Nayvah, getting her foot stuck in an outside drain in a house. These drains hold a fascination for toddlers. They are like sinks and so toddlers are drawn to them . Usually they have a loose grate over the top of the pipe opening but that can go missing. Today's story was a reminder to protect toddlers from those drains. The mother had a phone and the firemen knew the Wiggles songs so the little girl was kept safe and happy as they removed pavers and broke the earthenware  drain pipe as it was the only way to release the little girl's foot. Nayvah was distracted by the Wiggles music and so managed the whole event comfortably. It probably soothed the adults too to be singing the songs because that was all a big worry. I am wondering now whether the pipe was easily fixed and the paver's replaced and if that was all within the financial means of the house owner. The rest of the story, that we don't know,  is the fall out from a toddler being a toddler and adults problem solving that. The property damage is significant and would be costly to repair. Hoping the house owners are able to have that all dealt with in a good way. 

The other amazing story about the Wiggles is how they helped a Down's Syndrome woman who was in ICU because she was fearful of wearing an oxygen mask and was seriously ill with Covid. The Wiggles made her a video to watch because she loved them so much. They showed her how to wear the mask and with their Wiggles magic made it all okay. The woman responded to her beloved Wiggles, wore the mask and could start recovering from Covid. 

Childhood media friends and personalities are invaluable in life and can contribute to  critical problem solving in a way nothing else can, especially when we have technology.

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