
Monday, September 15, 2008

Wild Weather

AdelaideNow... South Australia bracing for gale force winds
TREES have fallen on homes, cars and powerlines and suburbs have been blacked out by storms expected to batter the state for most of the day.

Well, I wasn't wrong. The biggest problem are the big gum trees which would have been dried out over summer...and then the trees take the power lines down because we have above ground lines. One day they'll put them underground and that might help a bit. I am so glad I got my roof redone in July. Last year the neighbours were having problems with their roofs so I figured I had better get onto it and it has certainly helped give me some peace of mind. The big trees , though, that is something else. We need the trees for shade from the blazing sun...but the winds can bring them down. The weather is coming from Ceduna and apparently it is quite wild there. My friend from Goolwa rang me up and he was in despair because the wind had blown away what little water they had got back. The people of Goolwa have literally been left high and dry and our weather conditions are devasting that area. It really should be a top priority. What was a lush and beautiful area is being totally degraded for lack of ecological help.

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