
Saturday, September 06, 2008

Presidential Battle

McCain more popular with TV viewers | The Australian
REPUBLICAN White House nominee John McCain earned a record 38.9 million television viewers during his convention speech, edging his rival Barack Obama's record from the previous week, the Nielsen group reported today.

It's going to be a tough race from here to the finish because the Sarah Palin rabbit was pulled out of the hat and that has really shaken things up. From here it looks like Barack Obama has become very popular and speaks with conviction. He's a man you can warm to and that is an unusual thing in the American international arena at this point in time. Sarah Palin has also come across as confident and feisty but there are some things about her which are not really clear. The Amercian media are working on getting a clarity of image and that is important to those of us who are not there. It means we can take an interest. If Mr. McCain had a lot of viewers I am thinking the Americans are listening hard to what he has to say and are taking a serious interest in what he is likely to represent should they elect him. They know plenty about Barack Obama because he has been in the limelight and scrutinised for a long time. I don't see the viewing numbers as representing popularity but as an indicator of how seriously the Americans are taking this election. They are doing their homework because their nation has publicly lost a lot of ground because of their elected government. This is not America and I get the feeling they want to change this and get someone who will truly represent them.

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