
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Large Hadron Collider

'Big Bang' experiment hailed as scientific milestone - ABC News
Scientists have built a 27-kilometre long underground circular tunnel that houses the Large Hadron Collider, which will allow them to smash particle beams together at close to the speed of light.

This has certainly been the talk of the town with young and old, and not so old...anyone really. It is remarkable the level and breadth of interest. Not many people seem to know what this means though and there are those with fears. Those who understand are chuckling away and those who don't are motivated to find out and then there are some who really are concerned. I think, given our media- oriented  planet much more could have been done to inform and excite. This has really sparked up people and they now love saying Large Hadron Collider. This is news but it also science and it's discovery. Discovery gets everyone talking . I think we could have made more of this given the level of interest. But I also think we needed to allay fears better because there are still people who think they won't wake up tomorrow.

They are looking for the Higgs...the "God particle"  and if you are in the know you call the machine an LHC. Stephen Hawkins doesn't think they'll find the Higgs particle.. Maybe we'll find something else. Is that a worry?

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