
Tuesday, September 09, 2008


AdelaideNow... Developer Enabled rocks iTunes world with Cradle app
While Enabled's Cradle app may be free, the exposure to a world of potential clients is priceless.

And that is what it is about in 2008. We are the information age and whereas for the last 20 years we have relied on entrepreneurs to bring us the big events and rake in the big money, today's world calls for infopreneurs and this Adelaide company is demonstrating a effective way of manipulating today's skills and knowledge into viable packaging for the current lifestyle. There is a lot of iformation. There are millions of gadgets and so we do rely on people who can see there way through it all to bring us apps which we can benefit from. Apps to amuse, apps to inform, useful apps and greater functionality from all our technology. We have to go this way and so if the Cradle App has taken off, it reminds us the world has changed and that within hours you can become an overnight success.

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