
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Girl saved from drowning.

Man saves drowning girl | The Australian
"Another five seconds, if she had not grabbed the stick, it would have been too long, she had floated 300 metres down the river and it was flowing too strongly for young girls.

I bet the parents will be pleased to have their girls in one piece and they can thank Warren Tyson for that. He not only thought quickly to rescue the girl who very nearly drowned , he appears to have taken it all in his stride and provided some very much needed emotional support until the girls could be looked after by the medical team and their parents. Maybe they will get a telling off. They seem to have done something quite normal and tried to repair the accident , but strong currents are tough to fight. You do need to be very strong. I think Warren Tyson will be sleeping well so night when he made such a difference in the world today.

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