
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Who decides?

School defends 14-year-old getting pill
"It is the general practitioner who decides what is best for the student and the course of action, not the school."

I am certain there is more to this than has been reported but it all sounds very odd. The girl is 14. It means she is the legal responsibility of her parents.Maybe I am wrong. I'm surprised a nurse would take the girl to a doctor without parental consent. Schools tend to ring on any medical matter, however minor. They tend to be extremely cautious. The doctor then has made a decision and then that appears to be without consulting the parents. Yes, it all has to be kept private so who leaked it to the press? Student welfare is core business and teachers and doctors have a duty of care which is a legal responsibility. As it stands it all seems very peculiar.Were she 16, I'd understand because 16 year olds have more rights. I think this whole thing needs to be clarified or it will worry people unnecessarily.

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