
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Let the games begin!!

Our 60 something year old Prime Minister ,going on 6, has gone off to Canberra , presumably to set the election date after he has had a real oldie attack of of totally vague and I know something you don't. He has led us a merry dance as oldies do when they get cantankerous , but I don't hold it against him...much.He has been Prime Minister for a long time and he probably will not be Prime Minister for long even if he does win the next election...if ever he gets over it and decides to announce it . He is the Prime Minister. He has prided himself on competence...and now we see him carrying on, holding our country to ransom and actually standing in the way of production.

Anyway, I declare the games open! Batten down the hatches. Recycle the brochures after you have kept fit by flying them as paper aeroplanes and ask your local MP to campaign online and put the money towards food or housing or your choice. Save carbon and turn off the TV for the next month. Listen to debates and information...and watch now how the Greens will play a role. They have been very calm and sane. Kevin Rudd had better watch out for the tricks and the electronic voting systems controllers need to consult with Switzerland as they have now hack proofed electronic voting protocol...what a great country...and what a great gift to elections.

So enjoy election 2007 and watch it all unfold.

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