
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Greens launch their election campaign

Greens launch their election campaign : "In front of more than 200 supporters packed into the State Library of Victoria, Greens leader Bob Brown said the party would use the balance of power to secure a better future for the country."

We do need to get some balance into the senate. When it's run by one party..then there is no discussion, no debate , no consideration and no democracy. One party gets it all their own way and we need to address this because it means we are blocked and stifled when actually, we are country which can blossom and grow. Our main concern at the moment is getting balance. A number of us have noticed that Labour posters of Nicole Cornes and Amanda Rishworth have been taken down. Other posters may have been taken down elsewhere. We are not a bit happy because the posters go up and they should stay up. To have this kind of fiddling is stupid and it doesn't matter who we support...we want to see all their faces up there.

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