
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Raining Cane Toads

Toads fall victim to crows in NT : "'One of them turned its head and it walked over to this cane toad and grabbed it by its leg and turned it over,' he said."

Raining cane toads in the Northern Territory!! The crows are catching and eating them and then letting them drop out of the trees. The picture of a cane toad on the article is so revolting!! Cane toads are a bit of a legend in Queensland and there is a big industry in souvenirs...but they do a lot of environmental damage. Crows...who would have thought? Big birds can be so amazing. My respect for the big magpies grew the day I saw two of them saving a Rosella from a cat. They didn't hurt the cat, but they kept swooping it and bothering it so that the Rosella had time to recover and fly free. I was so touched by how much concern they showed for a fellow bird and how they did no harm to the cat in the process. So if crows can help the cane toad infestations...go for it! That squawking in the morning is so annoying, though!

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