
Sunday, August 05, 2007

School traffic bedlam

AdelaideNow... School traffic bedlam: "'I've seen some parents do some outrageously dangerous things, such as U-turns from a double park right in front of school when children are coming out,' she said. 'Most schools have a major problem and part of it appears to be that people can't walk more than 50m to school.'"

We have road laws . They apply to everyone. There is one school I pass sometimes, but I am in the habit now of avoiding it. The parents do things like block both sides of the road for pick up and delivery. They often pull out onto the street from the school car park with no warning. One lady decided to back her 4WD back up the road and was getting mighty angry she wasn't getting a lot of co operation. They block the road at the pick up zone because they have the divine right to park there. Their children come to the crossing, start walking then change their minds and walk off somewhere else or dart out onto the road without waiting and looking. One lady also got half way around the round about and then stopped to think which way she might want to go. They stop in the middle of the road to pick up a child. The congestion is unbelievable, but the lack of application of road rules is ghastly and dangerous.

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