
Sunday, August 05, 2007

City bridge repairs to cost up $240m

City bridge repairs to cost up $240m : "Melbourne University's infrastructure protection group's Priyan Mendis said there were not enough engineers to assess potentially vulnerable bridges in Australia."

If the sad situation in Minneapolis makes the whole world sit up and get off its bums to check bridges, then that's something positive to come out of something awful. We shouldn't have to have awful to make us maintain buildings and infrastructure. We have diverted our time and effort into other things and our transport systems simply haven't had the attention they need. If we don't have the engineers we shall have to get them because that will be cheaper and less alarming than allowing bridges to collapse. Having got them all up to scratch it'll be easier to maintain them. I was looking at a stretch of road I use and was thinking how lumpy and worn it looked. We really do have to put the time into transport. We are so reliant on it.

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