
Monday, July 16, 2007

Women forced to have babies to get Govt bonus

Women forced to have babies to get Govt bonus: dept head : "'We do know anecdotally that that's true. We know that some young women are stood over for the $5,000 with their druggie friends and they're having babies every year because of it.'"

We hadn't thought of that, had we? I guess it's possible if the money is paid but he baby is then not kept and someone else becomes the carer. It's also feasible the children could be kept but not properly looked after. Money. Money. Money. Mal Brough wants Ms. Vardon to give names. She may not know. Sometimes these sorts of things are spoken of in general terms. We, however, probably would know. Now that we've thought of it, we may well be more alert. It's about getting the information out to people who are in the position to do something about it. For most people having a baby wouldn't be about the bonus. The bonus helps in the initial set up of a new child. Past that point they are yours to love and provide for and most people do that willingly.

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