
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Battery hen and pig monitoring

RSPCA to boost battery hen, pig monitoring : "The RSPCA is hiring an inspector to monitor intensive farms in South Australia for animal cruelty."

Good. Teenagers are particularly proactive in this area in SA and quite a number have become vegans because they don't want animals hurt and treated badly so that they can eat and have shoes. They know their facts and they are very determined in their views. No one wants to know their animals have been kept in miserable conditions so that they can provide us with food. Truth is, animals which are looked after provide better food and there is such a difference between proper free range eggs and battery eggs. The proof is in the cakes, biscuits and slices! Proper eggs create masterpieces and the difference really is very noticeable. Given the changes are being made over the next 2 years then it is sensible evolutions back to treating our livestock fairly and kindly. We are not proud of what we have accepted, but setting things right will ensure we restore some sense and proper nutrition.

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