
Friday, July 13, 2007

Mum out of control

AdelaideNow... Mum smoked dope night before killing baby: "The court was told the woman, who has no criminal history, was a regular user of cannabis which she claimed helped her relax and 'cope better'' with the child."

Coped so well she was irritable,felt like she was out of her body,lost control and the baby who had previously been in foster care ,like the older child,was violently shaken to death. The 24 year old is clearly very ill probably from the effects of too much dope and an inherent depressive disorder. I'm not the expert, but she is obviously not coping and she should not be a mother. She can't look after herself and doesn't appear to have any support. The trouble with the other child in foster care is she can claim it back if she stabilises but she has killed a baby in rage. She is not a safe mother. It bothers me no one seems to be in close contact with her and that she is isolated and drug dependant to the point she can neither seek counsel nor get help when she needs it. She doesn't appear to realise she can ask for help. Maybe she has burnt her bridges with her friends and family. Who knows? It will be a very complicated story. She needs a lot of help to stabilise, but that little baby is dead and should not be. Did no one hear her? Did no one think the baby would be in danger? She will be sentenced in August. I hope it is to a secure mental health ward...and rehabilitation centre.

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