
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Labour plan a backward step, says PM

Labour plan a backward step, says PM : "PRIME Minister John Howard has criticised a Labor plan to give the states more freedom over how they spend federal funding, calling it a backward step."

Many people have commented about how the Howard government has turned back the clock. So maybe we do need to go backwards in order to go forwards. We used to be happier, freer, relaxed, positive. We used to have nice sunshine and blue skies and we used to be able to wander the streets and let our kids play outside. We enjoyed going to work and we could talk freely to each other. Trains ran on their tracks, buildings stayed in one spot and one piece. The sharks came and went. The planes stayed in the air and in one piece. Our kids were laughing and smiling and out on their bikes and skateboards.Sometimes they had a dose of the flu or a bit of a cold. They were hanging out at the beach and in the pool. There was a lot of laughter. Kids went to school and then to uni. Some got apprenticeships. School was for school work, home for homework and the weekend for hanging around with your mates listening to music. Friday night was great. Sunday was silent and yes...we ate breakfast lunch and dinner which we cooked. Let's go backwards.

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