
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Feeling sick? Call the hotline

AdelaideNow... Feeling sick? Call the hotline: "'If you've got a health problem which is concerning you, you can ring the same number anywhere in Australia, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and get reliable advice from trained health staff on what your options are and what you should initially do,'' Mr Abbott said."

I think this is a great idea. It would help a lot of people just run ideas and symptoms past a trained professional to get a decent plan of action. We have often left it too late because we are aware of the doctor shortage and the sorts of really serious illnesses out there. It would be particularly useful when you have something and you aren't quite sure. I hope they get an internet site going to with a chat function. That could help. Some people like to tough it out an some people are just not clear about what needs medical attention. It's a great idea and the hotline will probably be kept busy and it may well need to be expanded! As it grows it will probably become worth its weight in gold in this day and age.

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