
Sunday, July 15, 2007

65,000 people for city centre

AdelaideNow... 65,000 people for city centre: "'How can that be sustainable? We have huge congestion and parking problems now and public transport is not coping with the numbers,' he said."

We do have a good city and more people actually living there would make it better. It would thrive. We have some good facilities and entertainment venues. We have some great places to wander and walk. Adelaide is home to quite a few people I know and they all rave about it and cannot thank themselves enough for having the guts to move out of the suburbs! If public transport is a pain then we need to have a damn good long look at it. Adelaide public transport is erratic and unreliable...and when it works it is brilliant. We can be brilliant. We need to think carefully about how to do what so many other cities do so easily ...provide people with reliable, frequent, useful public transport! We need to look at how many people are put off because they cannot rely on buses and trains to be there and get them there. We need to look at the issues of smaller trains and buses for off peak periods. It just needs a good Adelaide going over. It's not as if we are poor problem solvers.

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