
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Space mission extended to fix shuttle tear

Space mission extended to fix shuttle tear : "The $US367 million ($435 million) unit includes a pair of wing-like electricity-generating solar panels that were scheduled to be unfurled last night."
What's the difference between an astronaut and a cosmonaut? No, it is not a joke. These guys are so brave and skilled. I cannot believe they go up to the ISS in the shuttle in the first place and then go walking out in space erecting massive solar panel structures. There will be four of these solar powered wings in the end but the Russian part of the station has an independent power system. What does it run on? Independent of what? This photo is superb, but there are others which NASA has made available. This must be inspiring millions of children and lighting up their eyes. This is their world and their fuure and it's so exciting...but so scary too. A least the astronauts nagged NASA into letting them fix a tear in the blanket of the shuttle...just incase. OMG, I shall be having kittens again. I cannot stand the suspense of when they launch and come down. When they are floating around up there doing all those awesome things I am okay. I become inspired...but they have to get back.

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