
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Computer crash hits space station

Computer crash hits space station: "Without the Russian oxygen machine running, the space station has a 56-day supply of oxygen left. 'If we are in that position, we have an option to depart,' Mr Suffredini said."

OMG!!! They're stuck up there with computers which won't reboot. I am having kittens down here. Those poor astronauts/cosmonauts. It's bad enough being at home without the chance of rebooting your computer. That is always a total bugga and so serious. It's happened twice to me and I feel alone and bereft and really have to put on my thinking cap...but my oxygen supply isn't reliant on the reboot of my computer. It is so lucky they have the Shuttle up there at the moment. If nothing else they do have that option of leaving. The other great thing is they have minds far more capable than mine working on the problem...OMG!

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